Ghent Laser Microdissection Core

The laser microdissection core at Ghent University is a university-wide core facility clustering expertise with laser microdissection

What is laser microdissection


Our Expertise

What is laser microdissection

Laser capture microdissection (LCM) combines microscopical analysis with downstream processing for DNA, RNA or Protein analysis.

With LCM specific cells, or cell clusters can be isolated from histological sections (standard stained or fluorescent) for downstream analysis (e.g. PCR, sequencing, proteomics etcetera). Using LCM, the spatial information can be directly linked to the downstream output, which is especially helpfull for analysis of cells from heterogeneous tissues.
LCM can also be used to isolate life cells from tissue cultures, enabling clonal proliferation of specific cells based on microscopic features.

More info

LCM equipment at Ghent University

Arcturus Pixcell II

Infrared laser capture microdissection
isolation from tissue sections
manual dissection


Department of Morphology
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine


UV Laser catapulting
isolation from tissue sections
automated dissection
1-2 caps per isolation


Update to Micrbeam IV expected Februari 2019
Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences

PALM Microbeam IV, ZEISS

UV Laser catapulting
isolation of life cells or tissue sextions
automated dissection
1-96 caps per isolation


Installation expected Februari 2019
Department of Morphology
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

Our Expertise

Sample Pre-Processing

sectioning and staining
protocol optimization for dowstream analysis

Laser Microdissection

Cell identification and isolation

Downstream analysis

Quality analysis
quantitative PCR for DNA or RNA

Our Consortium


Contact us for further information:
Ward De Spiegelaere
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Department of Morphology
Salisburylaansburylaan 133, entrance 78